Selecting categories with Opencart 3 checkboxes

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Selecting categories. By default in Opencart 3.0, in order to select a category in the add product form, you need to start typing the name of the category. We have made a modifier that allows us to replace the standard autocomplete category selection with checkboxes. Now you do not need to know the exact name of the categories in order to select them for the product - just scroll through the list of categories to select the necessary ones.

Selecting categories. Installation instructions:

  • Upload the module through the admin panel in the Installing modules section
  • Update modifications
  • Refresh template cache
  • In the form of adding/editing a product, now the selection of categories will be done by checking the boxes in the checkbox fields.
  • Change log:

    • 10/25/2019 - compatible with assembly
    • 12/25/2019 - alphabetical sorting
    • 03/13/2020 - ocStore compatibility issue was resolved when the "Main category" field disappeared after installing the module