One-click order in Opencart 3

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The module adds a one-click checkout form to the store product card on Opencart 3.0. After all, it's no secret that ordinary customers are very lazy, and the one-click order module will help you "catch" such customers.

How the module works: the customer enters his phone number, presses the "Order" button, and receives a message that the order has been placed and they will call him back. The order goes to the admin panel in the list of orders with the name "Order in 1 click", the manager can check and process it.

This module does not have its settings. No need to look for it in the list of modules.

We also have a fully functional module

Buy in one-click for Opencart 3

Installation instructions:

  • You must have the localcopy fix installed
  • Unpack the downloaded archive with modules.
  • Download one of the modules for your country in the admin panel, for example, the file
  • Click the Update Modifications button in the Modifications Manager
  • Refresh template cache
  • Demo details
    Front: user view

    Admin: admin view
    login: demo
    password: demo

    Change log:

    • 03/12/2018 - a version of the module for Ukraine with different telephone codes was made.
    • 09/25/2019 - the problem with the incorrect calculation of the order amount for products with discounts has been fixed.
    • 01/13/2020 - improved compatibility