Live search opencart 3

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The module implements a live search for products in the user part of the site on Opencart 3.0. Products are searched using ajax technology - without reloading the page. After entering the minimum number of characters specified in the settings, the system starts an ajax search for products and offers search results in a drop-down window (see screenshots).

The module will improve the usability of your site - customers will be able to find what they need faster.

Live search. Module installation instructions

  • Upload the module through the site admin panel (section Installing modules)
  • Update modifiers in the Modifiers section (or Modifier Manager)
  • Update template cache
  • Go to Modules, enable and configure the "Live Search" module
  • Try entering a keyword in the standard search form on the site
Change log:
02/19/2019 - fixed the problem with replacing the titles of some pages of the site
08/06/2020 - search by product description
12/10/2020 - preventing errors from appearing after installing the module, when the module settings were not saved