Related products opencart 3

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Related products. By default, for a product in Opencart 3.0, you can already select "recommended" products, but sometimes you need to add another block with related or linked products to the product page - this is what our module is designed for.

The module of Opencart 3.0 adds another block with product offers to the product card page. For each product in the admin panel, you will be able to select related products, just like the standard "recommended" or "related products".

Also, for each product, you can specify a different heading (h3) for the block with these products. Respectively, you can write a key phrase with the name of the main product there, which will have a good effect on the SEO promotion of the page. I.e., any text can be written in the title, and then the module will not necessarily be especially for related products, for example, you can write "They buy with this product" or "Similar products".

Related products. 

Our module establishes only direct links between products. That is, if "Product B" is selected as a companion for "Product A", then "Product A" will not be displayed on the "Product B" card. This is the main difference from standard-related products.

The module does not replace the standard "related" products! You can display the module in any position in the product card through the Design > Layouts section.

The module will work on any template and is compatible with other modules!

Module installation:

  • Upload the module through the admin panel (select the module archive in the Add-on installation section)
  • Update modifications
  • In the Modules > Modules > section, install the Related Products module and change the status to Enabled.
  • Go to the Design > Layouts (Schemes), edit the Product layout, and add the Related Products module to the desired position (usually "Bottom of the page").
  • Go to adding or editing products, in the form on the "Links" tab, you can select related products and set the block title.
  • Change log:
    09/19/2020 - added variable checks to improve compatibility