Product collections opencart 3

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Product collections . The module allows you to display other products from the same collection on the product page of Opencart 3.0. That is, a field is added to the product editing form where you can specify products from this collection. Links are automatically set between these goods, i.e. for other products of the collection, you will no longer need to specify products from the collection.

This module works similarly to "related" products in Opencart 3.0, but links are set there only between the current product and each of the selected products separately. And in our module, there are links between all the products that were selected in the collection. Our module does not replace the standard related products but adds a new block to the product card.In the collection, you can choose products of different colors, sizes, products from sets, products of the same design that complement each other, or something else.

Collections can have their titles.

Product collections. Module installation:

  • Upload the module through the admin panel (select the module archive in the Add-on installation section)
  • Update modifications
  • In the Modules > Modules > section, install the Product Collections module, and change the status to Enabled.
  • Go to the Design > Layouts (Schemes), edit the Product layout, and add the Product Collections module to the desired position (usually "Bottom of the page").
  • Go to adding or editing products, in the form on the "Links" tab, you can select products from one and set the block title.