Related products from category opencart 3

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The module changes the standard "Related products" functionality so that now it is not necessary to select recommended related products for each product. The items from the same category as the current product will be automatically displayed there. Or you can specify for each product from which category to display related products (see screenshot).

The module for auto-recommended products from the same or another category in Opencart 3.0 only works on the product page. It will work on all templates that have related product output in the product card, and almost all templates have it because this is the standard functionality of Opencart.

The module will simplify the work of filling the site, now you do not need to fill in related products. You will get automatic linking between products, which has a good effect on the behavioral factor and weight distribution between product pages.

Related products. Module installation:

  • Upload the module through the admin panel (select the module archive in the Install modules section)
  • Update the modification
  • In general, this is enough - the module is already working and displays related products from the same category as the current product. But if you need to display recommended products from other categories - in the product editing form on the Links tab, you now have a category selection field for related products.
  • If you need to change the number of related products displayed in the product card, open System > Settings > Edit store > Companion tab. goods > Limit. By default, 4 items are displayed.