Missing and null images

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Missing and null images. Note !!!
The module is distributed as a LICENSE for use. The module is not passed on to the client directly. Make a request to connect the module to technical support. The module has not been tested with third-party shopping carts. Simplified checkout.
Refund is possible only if the module does not work correctly with pure Opencart/Ocstore.

1 domain = 1 license.

Missing and null images. Description!

You will often find errors like the following when generating YML price lists on sites or when accessing the products section of the administrative panel:

  • Notice: getimagesize(): Read error!
  • Notice: getimagesize(): Read error! in /admin/model/tool/image.php on line (14)
  • Notice: getimagesize(): Read error! in /admin/model/tool/image.php on line (20)
  • There is a modifier to solve this problem, It scans the database and output a list with null images.
Further, the specified list of Zero images can be deleted via PHP or Python script.

Requirements: PHP 5.6 - 8, Python 3.7-3.9

How does the module work?

The module checks the database of images in products, categories, manufacturers, clears out physically missing photos.
The module also compiles a list of null images that were damaged during transfer or parsing.