Mass adding product images Opencart 3

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Module for multiple selecting of additional product images at one time.

Currently, the Opencart 3.0 file manager does not permit selecting multiple product images at once. However, our module fixes this issue, and it now allows the store to be filled with goods much faster than before since it is no longer necessary to add each image separately. The ability to add all the pictures from the folder in two clicks will simplify the work of the content manager.

The module allows mass adding images only in the form of adding/editing a product. Multiple selecting pictures will be available by clicking on the "+" button in the "Additional Images" block.

The module does not replace the standard Opencart 3.0 files

Product images. Module installation:

  • Install the Localcopy fix if you don't already have it installed
  • Download the module archive via Installing Modules.
  • Update modifications in the Modifiers section
  • Refresh template cache
  • In the section System > Users > User groups > Administrators, add the rights to view and modify for "common/multifilemanager"
  • Change log:

    • 10/05/2019 - compatibility with additional fields in Images