Product filter opencart 3

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The smart product filter module for Opencart 3.0 will allow your customers to quickly find the products they need by certain parameters. This is an ajax filter for products by categories, filters, attributes, and options. The module has flexible options for customizing work and design.

The filter allows you to display counters of the number of goods by parameters. You can also enable the filter of products by price in the form of boundary sliders.

Product filter. Installation instructions

  • Upload the module through the admin panel
  • Update modifications
  • Go to Modules > Modules, enable the Smart Product Filter module.
  • Edit the module, and select pages and positions for its display in the store (usually Category > Left column). Customize the module to your needs and save.
  • If you use a non-standard template, you need to set the paths to DOM elements in the module settings on the "Adaptation" tab: the parent block of all products and the parent block of page navigation.

    Selectors for some patterns:

    Default template:

    • goods container #content>.row:nth-last-of-type(2)
    • navigation container #content>.row:nth-last-of-type(1)

    Journal2 template:

    • product container .main-products.product-list, .main-products.product-grid
    • navigation container .pagination

    Unishop template:

    • product container .products-block
    • navigation container .pagination_wrap

    Frame template (ft_frame):

    • product container .products-container>.row:first-child
    • navigation container .pr-container

    Shoppica template:

    • goods container #listing_options + .clear + .s_listing
    • navigation container .pagination

    Sellegance template:

    • product container .product-filter + .row
    • navigation container .pagination

    Pavilion template:

    • goods container .tb_products
    • navigation container .pagination

    Templates Oxy, Aquacart, Bigshop, Sellya, BeautyShop, Pav_fashion, Megashop:

    • product container .product-list, .product-grid
    • navigation container .pagination, .paging

    On templates that have a category description at the bottom of the page:

    • goods container #content>.row:nth-last-of-type(3)
    • navigation container #content>.row:nth-last-of-type(2)

    The module will work on other templates as well. You can check the selectors for your template in our technical support if you provide the site address.

    Change log:

    06/14/2018 - jQuery 3 support added

    08/17/2018 - added some changes in the work of "filters"

    02/10/2019 - an addition was made for generating CNC links after filtering (we send on request, write to technical support)

    02/12/2019 - the problem with the output of standard "Filters" has been solved.

    02/18/2019 - fixed the problem with the non-working "Do not show when empty" function, which hides the filter options when there are no matching products.

    04/25/2019 - added the ability to configure each filter separately.

    05/06/2019 - solving the problem with the operation of the "Reset" button

    05/22/2019 - the identified incompatibility with some versions of SEO PRO was resolved, due to which product counters were not displayed and the price filter did not work.

    08/05/2019 - fix for loading images when lazy-load is used

    10/03/2019 - the filter by price has been fixed, when all prices are not set in the "default" currency, that is, the rate of the "default" currency is not equal to 1.

    01/15/2020 - fixed the problem with the appearance of the filter in the mobile version when refreshing the page or moving to the next page

    02/07/2020 - solved the problem with sorting goods by rating when goods were hidden

    02/15/2020 - The problem with filtering using the attribute slider has been resolved.