SEO Generator Opencart 3

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SEO Generator. Module for bulk generation of SEO URLs for products, categories, and manufacturers, as well as for generating meta keywords and product tags in Opencart 3.0. The module creates URL aliases based on names with the ability to enable their transliteration. Similar to Deadcow SEO.

With just one click, you can generate SEO URL for all products. You can choose to overwrite new values ​​or write them, only where it is not filled.

The Opencart 3.0 SEO Generator module supports multilingualism and generates different SEO URLs for different languages. But the module is not engaged in the formation of the CNC, there are other modules for this, for example, SEO PRO.

SEO Generator. Module installation:

  • Upload the module through the admin panel
  • Enable the "SEO Generator" module.
  • Open the module and generate the required values.
  • Change log:

    • 04/20/2018 - Cyrillic SEO URL generation fixed, a problem with adding indexes after extension (end) solved
    • 08/17/2019 - removed the addition of a digital index at the end of the SEO URL when rewriting
    • 11/27/2020 - the problem with duplicate SEO URLs for different languages ​​was solved; Speed ​​up SEO URL generation.