Opencart 3 meta tag generator

  • Opencart 3 meta tag generator

Meta tag generator. The module allows you to generate meta-tags for products, categories, manufacturers, and articles Opencart 3.0 according to specified templates. For example, if a product does not have a Meta Description, then it will be displayed according to the template of the ""Meta tag generator"" module.

A meta tag template is a phrase or sentence that consists of general text and shortcodes that will be replaced with specific values.
The module does not write meta-data to product tables in the database! The corresponding fields in the product form in the admin panel will not be filled in, but meta tags will be displayed on the site. So, for specific products or categories, you can register meta-tags manually, and for all others, the module will display them according to templates.

The meta tag generator allows you to substitute templates for:

  • Meta Title
  • Meta Description
  • Meta Keywords
  • H1 tag, which is present in some custom builds of Opencart

Installation and configuration instructions:

  1. Upload the module through the admin panel
  2. Update modifications
  3. Refresh template cache
  4. Enable the meta tag generator module
  5. Edit the module, fill in the template fields, and enter the text using the shortcodes indicated at the top of each form. See the screenshots for examples of how to fill in.
  6. In the admin panel in the product/category form, you will not see meta tags, but they will be displayed on the site.

Change log

  • 03/15/2019 - added shortcode [description] for using description in templates, added ability to generate meta tags for Blog articles
  • 05/03/2019 - adaptation for ocStore 3.0
  • 05/27/2019 - if the Meta Title is filled - it is displayed, if not - it is generated according to the template

  • Opencart
  • Opencart
  • Opencart
  • Opencart или ocStore
  • Opencart
  • Opencart
  • Opencart
  • Opencart
  • Opencart
  • Opencart и OcStore
  • Price: $29,00

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